After eight years of a mayor who branded himself as an eat-the-rich progressive, the business elite are happy to have someone like Eric Adams in their corner. This is a mayor who proclaimed “I am real estate” on the campaign trail. The biggest items on Big Real Estate’s wish list these days? Casinos.
Marc Holliday
When you want to build a casino in Times Square, you hire the mayor's former chief of staff and host parties with Cara Delevingne.
Jay-Z is a billionaire who wants things billionaires want—like a license to build a casino.
Steve Cohen
Steve Cohen wants two things—a Mets championship and a casino. Eric Adams can only really help him with one of those.
Tony Argento
New York City's homegrown film studio mogul is a Gotham power broker out of central casting.
Michael Mazzio
Michael Mazzio found himself getting shut out of the lucrative tow truck industry—until he found a friendly ear in City Hall.
Rich Maroko
The head of the Hotel and Gaming Trades Council bet big on Eric Adams becoming mayor. Will it pay off?